Month: January 2018

2018 Proposal Deadline Calendar


2018 OSP Calendar This calendar lists the days when OSP is closed, NIH standard deadlines[1]; and the date by which OSP needs to receive the completed proposal, [5 business days in advance of the deadline]. Please contact anyone on the OPS preaward team with questions! January 1st           New Year’s Day January 5th           NIH STTR/SBIR [new] OSP… Read More

How to instructions for the New E-Forms


As of January 25, 2018, the NIH is requiring that proposals be submitted on the new E-forms.  Any proposals submitted on old forms will not be accepted. Cayuse SF424 has been updated to conform with the new format but we thought that it might be useful to point out the most critically important changes. First, please note that all… Read More

NIH Form set E for Due Dates on or after January 25, 2018


The majority of changes in the PHS Forms -E relate to the consolidation of human subjects and inclusion enrollment information in the application. Previously this information was in several different places within the application.  The new form also expands clinical trial data collection to allow reviewers the ability to improve oversight. A key focus of the… Read More